The Village Ordinance Book and Uniform
Dwelling Code states in part: No addition, alteration or repair to an
existing structure not deemed minor repair by the Planning Board shall be
started unless a building permit for the work is obtained PRIOR TO
CONSTRUCTION from the Building Inspector. This includes decks and
fences. MINOR REPAIR is defined as repair performed for maintenance or
replacement purposes under $1,000.00 final end value in any twelve (12) month
period. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION of not securing a building permit prior to
construction will be withholding of the building permit, imposition of
forfeitures and/or doubling of the permit fees.
As of January 1, 2005, the building structure and heating, electrical or plumbing systems shall comply with the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC). Any major structural changes or any major changes to mechanical systems (electrical, heating, plumbing) shall require permits. The building inspector for General Engineering will be handling all of these permits, after Village Planning Board approval, and will be inspecting as the construction progresses. Building permit applications can be obtained from the Randolph Village Hall or by contacting Building Inspector Ken Fennewald at (608) 697-8009.
Click here to download our building Permit Form.pdf
The numbers used shall not be less
than three (3) inches in height. The numbers shall be conspicuously placed
immediately above, on or at the side of the proper door of each building so
that the number can be seen plainly from the street. Whenever any building is
situated more than 50 feet from the street line, the numbers used shall be not
less than four (4) inches in height and shall be conspicuously displayed at the
street line, near the sidewalk, driveway or common entrance to such building.
No numbers are allowed on mailboxes, fences or gateposts by the street.
Grass Clippings
All grass clipping from lawn mowing or
other sources shall not be allowed to accumulate upon any public street or be
dumped on a public right-of-way so as to wash into any storm sewer drainage
Water and Sewer Users – Be Responsible
The customer shall protect the water curb stop box located in the from lawn or sidewalk area and shall keep the same free from dirt and other obstructions. The water utility shall not be liable for failure to locate the curb stop box and shut off the water in case of a leak on the owner’s premise. ALSO, please do not flush
hypodermic needles, feminine products, underwear or other foreign objects down
the toilet. These items can cause blockages in the sewer mains and some can
result in personal injury to the operators at the sewer processing plant.
Water/Sewer/Garbage/Recycle Bill
Payments for the above mentioned bill can be made at 248 W. Stroud Street on Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. There is also a drop box slot on the outside of the building for after hour payments. Please notify the Clerk’s Office when a property changes ownership or tenants vacate rental properties. A copy of the Water Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) can be obtained at the Village Hall. If you are interested in Automatic Payments contact Village Hall.
/uploads/2023 Water Sewer Rates Stuffer.doc or click the thumbnail below for a larger view of the rate sheet.
Dog Licenses
Dog licenses will be available
starting around December 20th and all licenses must be purchased BEFORE
March 31st. You will need proof of rabies vaccination at that time. Dog licenses purchased after March 31st are subject to a $40.00 late fee per dog.
Snow Removal
Village residents are reminded that
there will be NO blowing of snow into the street. Violation of this
ordinance could result in a fine of no less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00. Also, sidewalks are to be cleared within 24 hours after a snowfall or drifting winds. Violations will result in billing the owner for removal and/or a municipal citation.
Compost Pile
Residents wishing to dispose of garden
waste are reminded to use the Village compost pile located west of the Street
Department on W. Stroud Street.
Winter yard waste may also be brought to the compost pile. The Village only picks up leaves in the Fall, not in the Spring.
Garbage Pickup
Every Friday – Garbage must be at curb by 6:00 a.m.
Residential Curbside Recycling Pickup
The pickup day will be every other Friday, along with the regularly scheduled curbside garbage pickup. Place your items at the curb in the recycling containers provided. Recycling items do not need to be separated for curbside pickup.
Recycling Dumpsters
A few recycling dumpsters remain at the Street Department located on W. Stroud Street. These containers are supervised by the Street Department. You may take your own recycling items there if you wish. There will be absolutely no provision for recycling scrap
iron, appliances and other junk at this site.
Trash Day Alternative
Furniture, mattresses, TV's and other junk (NOT IRON) can be disposed of at Bulk Junk Day. The Village holds two special Bulk Junk trash days a year in the Spring and in the Fall. Watch your water/sewer bill stuffers for dates and times.
Scrap Iron
(Not including junk items). Residents should call 326-4638 to arrange for pickup. There is no fee.
There will be a $15.00 charge for all appliance pickups within the Village of Randolph. A sticker must be on the appliance when picked up. The sticker can be obtained at the Village Hall, 248 W. Stroud Street, Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pickup is scheduled by calling 920-296-8445. We will also pick up metal items at the time at no charge.
Trade in your tires when purchasing new ones. Tires can only be disposed of through the tire dealer. DO NOT PLACE AT CURB, as they will be left there and a fine can be issued to you.
Roofing, Remodeling Scraps, New Construction Waste and
The Village trucks will NO LONGER be available for this use. Call the source of your choice to rent a dumpster for these materials.
Trees and Branches
A village truck may be available, at certain times, for this use. Call the Street Department at 920-296-8445 to arrange for this service.
Brush Day
Brush day continues to be on the fourth (4th) Monday of the month. All brush must be placed at the curb as per the following:
- Butt ends must face the street
- Shall not exceed seven (7) feet in length
- Maximum width of branches shall not exceed three (3) feet
- Butt diameter shall not exceed three (3) inches
- Branches and twigs shorter than three (3) feet shall be bagged, boxed or bundled with bundles no to exceed fifty (50) pounds.
Burning Permits
Burning permits are issued for the purpose of burning garden refuse only in the Village of Randolph for use between April 1 – May 15 and between October 1 – November 15. You may apply any time during these periods and the cost is $5.00.